Drug Users On Atlantis
January 29th, 2018 5:43 am     A+ | a-
I just got off the Atlantis Harmony Caribbean Cruise.  It made the news, sadly, because a "celebrity" overdosed and died on board. http://www.tmz.com/2018/01/25/storm-chasers-joel-taylor-death-investigation-dropped-by-fbi/

It's the most horrible thing when someone loses their life for such a dumb reason. There was a lot of drug use going on. It's not the cruise lines or the tour operators fault. Drug users are just idiots. They overdose all the time. Their friends are idiots, too. I helped two others on the cruise who were overdosing. Their friends just left them alone and went off to party. They were overdosing and their friends left them. That is NOT a friend. That's what happened to this guy. Their friends took him to his room while he was overdosing and left him alone while he died. It's not their fault, but, friends gotta have each others backs. Where is the love today? 
I'm not proud that so many are lost in our community due to drub abuse.  There is help. We don't need to debase ourselves.  Get help. This is where I go www.gaychristian101.com but you might try www.aa.com or call your mom.  Remember this fact, the only drug that never killed anyone is pot. People need to legalize it everywhere and stay alive. The high is best. Drinking is ok, too, but, too much of that kills, too, don't forget. 

Next blog,  the very great part of taking all gay cruises...
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